Patient Resources

Information about Endoscopic Ultrasound and new developments within the field.

Patient Information Leaflets

There are many resources available freely on the internet. A chosen few have been included here for our visitors 

EUS- Procedure info

Blackpool Victoria Hospital

Having and EUS

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

Patient Information Booklets


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EUS procedure related queries

Please contact your local hospital providing EUS services or feel free to drop us a line and we will try and provide the relavant information
Procedure involves a special endoscope which uses high-frequency sound waves to produce detailed images of the lining and walls of gastrointestinal tract and also chest, nearby organs such as the pancreas and liver, and lymph nodes, prostate and pelvic organs.

Can EUS detect cancer?

EUS is a common imaging procedures used to diagnose cancers within or adjacent to the upper gastrointestinal tract and also increasingly in or close to rectum. EUS may be able to find small cancerous areas that sometimes not found by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.

Are EUS and ERCP different?

EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) is an endoscopic technique which utilizes high-frequency sound waves to generate a virtual image and diagnosis can be made, samples taken and therapies can be delivered. ERCP procedure uses a video camera as in endoscopy to examine biliary tree, pancreas and more importantly to provide therapy e.g. treat jaundice.

What are the risks of having an EUS?

EUS is generally safe. Common problems which might occur include sore throat after the examination and should resolve after a few hours.
There is a small risk of damage to crowned teeth or dental bridgework.
Complications include perforation or tear in the intestine or bleeding. These complications occur in less than 1 in 2000 examinations but may require urgent treatment or operation.
Endoscopic Ultrasound with biopsy (Fine Needle Aspiration) slightly raises the risk of infection. If required, antibiotics may be given to help prevent infection.
Endoscopic Ultrasound with biopsy (Fine Needle Aspiration) also slightly raises the risk of perforation or bleeding, this may require urgent treatment or an operation.
A reaction to the drugs used during the test may require you to stay in hospital. Inhalation of gastric contents can cause pneumonia which would require antibiotic treatment.